Font Color
The Font Color of a selected figure can be changed to meet a desired preference. It can be altered for a selected figure(s) or in instances where no figures have been selected. If a figure has not been selected, the color change applies to any figure added after the change. This attribute can be altered in one of the following ways:
Press on the Text Button in the Drawing Toolbar.
Press on the Info Button in the Top Toolbar.
Then tap on the Text option to open the following popover window.
To alter the Font Color:
Press on the desired color selection method (Wheel, List, or Favorites). In this example, the wheel is chosen.
Tap on a color range within the outside of the wheel view.
Choose the desired lightness or darkness of the selected color in the center (saturation) square.
Press on the Refresh Button if changes do not appear automatically.
Perform a Touch/Drag gesture combination or Press on additional options (opacity slider, fill type, etc.) within the Text Window to make further attribute changes.
Tap anywhere within the Drawing Editor to close the window. The example below shows a figure with text that has been changed from black to blue.
Note: A color change will be seen instantaneously when text is selected. If text has not been selected, the color change will apply to all subsequent text entries.