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The Adjustment Button can be used to access actions for finer control over selected figures or to make path related changes to a figure and is accessible through the Top Toolbar. It will only be enabled (selectable) when figures have been selected within the Drawing Canvas.

When the Adjustment Button is pressed, a popover menu will appear as shown below.

Click or Tap on the corresponding Adjustment Menu item name to learn more about what the option does.

Option Name Description
X The X option will set the X position of all of the currently selected figure to the value entered. If multiple figures have been selected, the button works as a nudge tool and moves all figures relative the change entered. The value displayed in the text field is the X position of the first selected figure.
Y The Y option will set the Y position of all of the currently selected figure to the value entered. If multiple figures have been selected, the button works as a nudge tool and moves all figures relative the change entered. The value displayed in the text field is the Y position of the first selected figure.
Move By The Move Byoption changes the location of a figure based on input coordinates.
Width The Width option will set the width of all of the currently selected figure to the value entered. If multiple figures have been selected, this will set the width of all of the figures to the entered values. To scale the width based on the relative size within the selected figures, either group all of the figures and then resize the group or use the Nudge Overlay function. The value displayed in the text field is the width of the first selected figure.
Height The Height option will set the height of all of the currently selected figure to the value entered. If multiple figures have been selected, the option will set the height of all selected figures to the entered values. To scale the height based on the relative size within the selected figures, either group all of the figures and then resize the group or use the Nudge Overlay function. The value displayed in the text field is the height of the first selected figure.
Scale By The Scale By option alters figure size based on input coordinates to create a smaller or larger figure spanning over a specific area.
Angle The Angle option will set the angle of each currently selected figure to the value entered. If multiple figures have been selected, the option will set the angle of all figures to the entered value; however it will rotate them relative to their own centers. To rotate the group of figures relative to the center of the selection, group the figures and then rotate the group.
Rotate 90° Right The Rotate 90º Right option will rotate the currently selected figures by 90º in a clockwise direction.
Rotate 90° Left The Rotate 90º Left option will rotate the currently selected figures by 90º in a counter clockwise direction.
Rotate 180° The Rotate 180º option will rotate the currently selected figures by 180º in a counter clockwise direction.
Flip Horizontal The Flip Horizontal option will flip the currently selected figures on the X axis.
Flip Vertical The Flip Vertical option will flip the currently selected figures on the Y axis.
Open Path The Open Path option is enabled when one or more closed paths are selected. This option removes a line segment or simply separates the last end/start points into two separate handles to transform a closed path into an open path.
Close Path The Close Path option is enabled when a path figure is selected and closes a curved path to create a shape.
Join Paths The Join Paths option is enabled when two or more lines and/or open paths are selected. This option joins the end point handles of segments to create a single path figure.
Convert To Path The Convert To Path option is enabled when two or more figures are selected and converts any shape or text object into a path for making more detailed manipulations.
Split All Segments The Split All Segments option is enabled when a closed or open path is selected and separates each segment of the selected figure into its own path segment.
Trim Lines/ Paths The Trim Lines/Paths option is enabled when two or more shapes are selected and at least one of those shapes is a line or open path. This option trims the ends of intersecting lines, paths, or connections when the intersection is near the end of the line/path.
Add Shapes The Add Shapes option is enabled when two shapes and/or closed paths are selected. This option combines two selected shapes into one figure.
Subtract Shapes The Subtract Shapes option is enabled when two shapes and/or closed paths are selected. This option removes the intersecting portions of the second selected shape from the first figure selected in the Drawing Canvas.
Intersect Shapes The Intersect Shapes option is enabled when two shapes and/or closed paths are selected. This option removes all non-intersecting portions of selected figures from the Drawing Canvas.
Exclude Shapes The Exclude Shapes option is enabled when two shapes and/or closed paths are selected. This option removes the intersecting portions of selected figures from the Drawing Canvas.

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